
Thursday, July 12, 2012

DIY is for the Birds

Have you ever looked at a bird's nest and said "wow, how do they make it looks so cozy?  I would totally sleep there."  I have.  We have nests in the yard that are made out of all kinds of cozy items; grass, dog hair, dryer lint, and moss. 
This quick DIY craft tutorial will let you help the birds make comfy, cozy nests.

A while ago, I thought I would learn how to crochet.  I even started to crochet a was going to be beautiful. However, after about year, the "blanket" only had four rows of stitching.  After we moved, I found the "blanket" and decided I would finally finish. That dream ended when I realized my darling cat got to it first...

My Blanket...:

So how does my blanket tragedy help the little birds in the yard?  Well friends, we are going to donate the yarn to the nest builders of the world.

What you'll need:
Pile of yarn from left-over crafts or failed crochet blankets
Metal suet feeder

First I finished what my cat had started and pulled the yarn until I had a pile.

I wanted to cut the yarn into small strings that could be carried easily by my flying friends.
I found that if I wrapped the string around my hand I could cut at one point and have all the strings the same size.

 Once the yarn was cut I simply had to add it the the suet holder.

Now all you have to do is look for your yarn to be featured in a comfy, cozy nest!


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